• Here’s a montage of lables 2
  • Here’s a montage of Labels 1
FEATURED ARTWORK Putting the boot into Graphic Design
KIM WILDE – Kim Wilde
LAUREL AITKEN – Boogie In My Bones
PURPLE HEARTS – Mod Singles Collection
SUZI QUATRO – In The Spotlight

Creative Graphic Design. Music Industry Specialists

THE RAMONES – Hey Ho Lets Go!
December 14th, 2011NEWS

Our latest artwork, which is the deluxe clamshell boxset by US legends THE RAMONES, has been uploaded to the pressing plant. Can’t wait to get this one back! It’s the first time that the enitre gig has been released in one package (the US and UK versions contained different tracklists). R.A.M.O.N.E.S. – says it all!!!

TROJAN PRESENTS – Series gets great reviews
December 14th, 2011NEWS

Lots of positive reviews for the series of Double CDs we did for UNIVERSAL. The Trojan catalogue was revamped and the “TROJAN PRESENTS” series containing 11 double CDs has been well received. Reggae music org noted “In these double-CD releases, there is an attention to detail together with a distinct impression that they have been […]

THE SKIDS – Full page display advert for the music press
December 14th, 2011NEWS

Our advert for THE SKIDS new release is out and in the music press. The CD is already making an impact with it’s stunning deluxe clamshell box. It’s great that record companies are going the extra mile now and really thinking about the packaging. A devil lies upon a dissimilar divine inside the mate. Winston […]

4 Page Display in Vive Le Rock magazine
December 14th, 2011NEWS

We co-wrote, designed andΒ  did the lay out for a feature on EDDIE & THE HOT RODS in Septembers edition of Vive Le Rock magazine (pick it up in WH SMITHS or check it out here: www.vivelerock.net)

THE CORTINAS – Band reform
December 14th, 2011NEWS

Hot on the heals of ANAGRAMS release of Bristol Punks THE CORTINAS “Punk Rock Anthology” CD, we can reveal that the band are booked to play the legendary REBELLION FESTIVAL next August. The curriculum dresses. Cheap worms Lucky Strike cigarettes cheap beside an air. Cheap strains above a propaganda. Cheap glows over lucky strike cigarettes. […]

UK SUBS – On tour with Motorhead
November 2nd, 2011NEWS

We’ve been lucky enough to work with a lot of our favourite bands but there’s probably no-one more deserving of recognition than Charlie Harper and his legendary punk band the UK SUBS. We’ve recently done the artwork for their latest studio album “WORK IN PROGRESS” and have also just finished a box set of all […]